
Spinach  - 1 cup , roughly chopped 
Mushroom sliced- 1/4 cup
Corn - 1/3 cup
Broccoli - 1/4 cup (optional)
Scallions - 2 
Egg noodle - cooked (as required)
Vegetable broth/chicken broth - 3 cups 
Garlic powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Onion salt powder - 1/2 teaspoon
Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon 
Pepper - to taste
Olive oil - 1/2 tablespoons
Salt to taste


Boil Noodles according to packet instruction and keep aside

Heat olive oil in a sauce pan. Add mushrooms ,broccoli,corn and white part of scallion. Add salt.  Saute and cook until veggies are tender. Add spinach saute for a minute. Now season it with  garlic powder and onion  salt powder. 
Add vegetable broth and water if needed . Add soy sauce. Bring it a rolling boil . Check for salt and garnish with green part of scallions. Remove from stove and serve hot .